2024 Year in Review
Top 10 adult fiction and non-fiction.
Top 10 teen fiction.
Top 10 children's fiction and picture books.
Top 10 DVDs.
Top 10 digital classes.
Over 31,576 customers participated in the Summer Reading Challenges, with kids logging 2,351,118 minutes read and adults finishing 6,969 books.
101,785 library customers attended 6,954 events. 71,803 library customers attended 4,633 Story Time events.
You liked, commented, watched, and shared our posts on social media 109,506 times.
4,362 of you attended live and virtual outreach events.
2,062 passport applications were processed.
47,869 new customers signed up for library cards, for a grand total of 1,044,221 cards.
You borrowed GoPro cameras 257 times and had 1,709 WiFi hotspot checkouts.
You received 51,848 Books by Mail.
You checked out over 3,525,624 books, movies, and audiobooks from our libraries.
You borrowed 5,433,814 eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines.