Story Time at Your Library
Join us for in-person Story Time events at select library branches.
The library wants you to have a special experience so:
- Attendance is limited to:
- Baby Story Time: 10 children + 1 parent each
- Toddler Time: 15 children + 1 parent each
- Story Time: 20 children + 1 parent each
- Bilingual Story Time: 20 children + 1 parent each
- Family Story Time: 20 children + 1 parent each
- Tickets will be available at the marked service desk 15 minutes prior to the event on a first-come, first-served basis.
- All programs will be the same at each location.
Baby Story Time (Ages Birth to 18 months)
10 children + 1 parent
Bond with your baby through books, bouncy rhymes, and songs in this lapsit program that introduces early literacy skills and encourages language development.
Toddler Time (Ages 18-36 months)
15 children + 1 parent
Enjoy books, rhymes, songs, and activities. This engaging program offers social interaction and builds reading skills.
Story Time (Ages 3-6 years)
20 children + 1 parent
Enjoy books, rhymes, songs, and activities. This engaging program offers social interaction and builds reading skills.
Bilingual Story Time (Ages 2-7 years)
20 children + 1 parent
Enjoy books, rhymes, songs, and activities in both English and Spanish. This engaging program offers social interaction and builds reading skills.
Family Story Time (Ages 2-7 years)
20 children + 1 parent
Enjoy books, rhymes, songs, and activities that the whole family can enjoy. This engaging program offers social interaction and builds reading skills. Also available on-demand on our YouTube channel.
Parent Tip of the Week (Adults) – Virtual
Watch a quick video on the Story Time theme with our Early Literacy Specialists. Each week they highlight an Every Child Ready To Read skill to help you and your child get the most out of Story Time.
January 3 - 7
Toddler Time
Story Time
Family Story Time
Evening Story Time
Feelings - Emociones
Bilingual Story Time
February 10 - 14
Toddler Time
Family Story Time
Evening Story Time
Shapes - Formas
Bilingual Story Time
February 17 - 21
Family Story Time
Evening Story Time
Birds - Pájaros
Bilingual Story Time
February 24 - 28
Five Senses
Toddler Time
Story Time

Family Story Time
Evening Story Time
I Like Myself - Me Gusto Cómo Soy
Bilingual Story Time
Read, Talk, Sing, Write, Play
Help your child be ready to read! Parents and caregivers are a child’s most important teacher. Do these early literacy activities together every day to help your child develop essential language skills.
Read Read together every day, even if only for a few minutes. Many children love to hear the same stories over and over, so find favorites!
Talk Talk throughout the day to your child. Point out what you are seeing and doing together, and ask lots of questions!
Sing Sing songs and nursery rhymes! Rhymes help your child learn new words and develop listening and memory skills.
Write Encourage scribbling! Keep crayons and paper on a table where your child can practice.
Play Have fun together! Playtime helps children learn important language and social skills.
From books and story times to family literacy workshops and more, we're here to support your child's learning.
Meet the Library’s Story Time Team
We are so excited to meet you and your child!